Home Reviews 360° Review Cycle

360° Review Cycle

Last updated on Sep 26, 2024
  • To create a 360-Degree Review, click "Create 360° Review".

  • Next, you will be taken to a page where you need to enter the review title. Click on the "Title" field.

  • On the "Configure steps of this review cycle" page, you can select which types of reviewers to include in the review cycle.
    To enable a reviewer type, click the toggle switch next to the desired option.

  • Once the Peer Review toggle is enabled, additional options will appear where you can enable them and set Peer Review parameters.

  • You can access additional options by clicking on "Advanced Settings".

  • Enable specific reviewee visibility options to control what managers and reviewees can see during the review process. Then click "Save & Continue".

  • Click "Create Form". 360 Review allows to collect feedback from all the reviewers on the same questions.

  • If you have chosen "Create from Templates," then select any of the templates listed here.

  • Click "Save & Continue" to proceed.

  • To preview the form, click the Preview button; to make changes, use the Change button.

  • To select reviewees for the Review Cycle, you can either add everyone or choose from the names listed below.

  • You can use the Filters panel to sort reviewers by Department, Location, Managers, and Tenure.

  • Click "Add Reviewers" to include the Reviewers.

  • Click on "Create Review Cycle," and your 360° Review Cycle will be created.