Home Getting Started Archive a Department

Archive a Department

Last updated on Jul 23, 2024

Things to Keep in mind before Archiving

  • Archiving a department hides the department from the users in OKRs, Biz Reviews & KPIs but doesn't delete any related data.

  • Employee Department mapping remains intact for employees belonging to archived departments.

  • For Surveys, Performance reviews, Insights and 1 on 1s the archived departments will still be visible.

To help you get started with this new feature, we have created this help article that outlines the step-by-step process of archiving a department in Peoplebox.

Archiving a Department​

1. Click on the Profile Icon

Click on the Profile Icon

2. Click on Settings

Click on Settings

3. Click on Manage Departments

Click on Manage Departments

4. Click on the 3 dots next to the department you wish to Archive

Click on the 3 dots next to the department you wish to Archive

5. Click on Archive

Click on Archive

6. Read the instructions carefully

If the department you wish to archive has children then you would get an option to delete just the department or the department and its children.
Also archiving a department will only hide the departments from OKRs, Biz Reviews and KPIs. The department/s will still be visible in all other products.

Read the instructions carefully

7. Select the option you want to choose and Archive

Select the option you want to choose and Archive

8. You can now try searching for the department and it won't be visible anymore.

For the users for whom the departments are pinned, they will be greyed out and marked with an asterisk.

You can now try searching for the department and they won't be visible anymore.

Viewing and Restoring a Department

​1. Click on Manage Departments

Click on Manage Departments

2. Click on the dropdown next to Search a Department

Click on the dropdown next to Search a Department

3. Select Archived

Select Archived

4. Click on the 3 dots of the department you want to restore

Click on the 3 dots of the department you want to restore

5. Click on Restore

Click on Restore

6. Click on Active to see the department restored

Click on Active to see the department restored

7. Department is restored

Once the department is restored it will work the same way it used to work before archiving. Child departments need to be archived separately. If the complete tree was archived at the same time, child departments would also get connected back to the parents.

Whereas if child departments were archived separately then the user will have to connect such departments to the correct parent again.

Department is restored